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2006 A customs broker with more than ten employees was set up.

Team members in Linkstar attended awarding evening banquet hosted by China Supply Chain Association.

Our services include:

*  Custom declaration services for display merchandise, domestics sales.

*  Temporary import & export for equipment repair and servicing purposes.

*  Domestic manufactured products re-entering the country.

*  Import materials; re-processing arriving materials.

*  White handbook’ Application

*  VAT refund

*  Transit trade

*  Permits and certificates application

        Certificate of Origin

        Chop of export price limited

        Automatic import license of the P.R.C.

        Permits certificate for import & export species form.

        Import license issued by CIQ


We are advanced by the following achievements:

Air Freight (Import)

The most competitive airports:Shanghai,Beijing,Hangzhou, etc.

Lead-time(import)3 to 4 working days

Ocean Freight(Import)

Main routes: United States of America,Japan,Germany,France,Italy,Australia, etc.

The most competitive harbors:Shanghai,Ningbo,Guangzhou, Tianjin,Dalian,etc.

Lead-time:3 working days

        Well-trained and experienced staff handling your customs clearance.

        Seedy ground operations in the airport.

        Seamless services.

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